Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Two legs of M F Husain

This work talks about the renounced Indian artist who requires no introduction, none other than M. F. Husain. This work depicts his exile (run away) and success of creativity against criticism. Creativity and controversy are two legs of M. F. Husain. Though some of his works are denigrating Hindu people feelings, Major works are ultimate. Anyway he is my country baby, as we all know, after his exit India in 2006, his works reached astronomical prices (like a running wild horse). The brush (M. F. Husain) wins over an arrow (which represents Hindu radical groups). This work is one of my geometric representation of art, by means of this I want to pay tribute to one of the legendary Indian artist M. F. Husain on the eve of his 95th birthday on 2010.Sep.17. Hope celebrates many more birthdays.

Every letter treated like a baby in Writer’s career…
Every tune treated like a baby in musician’s career…
Every pixel treated like a baby in painter’s career…
It is not easy job to ignore a baby even if disabled.

Work Info: Oil work, Animals, Celebrity, Canvas, Width 24 inch, Height: 20 inch

Political Noise

This is about Indian politics. They create lot of sound pollution during election campaign. This is political struggle to attain chair. They make some cacophonous sounds. This buffalo (animal) is one of geometrical form to represent people.

Work Info: Oil work, Canvas, Width 24 inch, Height: 20 inch

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

When The Arrow Penetrating through The Symbol of Women

Hindu God Rama suspect Sitha and she jumped into fire to prove herself. This is one of the black day in the epic Ramayana. An arrow penetrating through heart (left side) of Sitha to indicate "Sitha injured as Rama Suspected her". Black stains in the background to represent stains and humiliation. I used very dark blue to represent darker side of Rama (blue man).'The' points to Rama.

Work Info: Acrylic, Canvas, 18 X 24 Inch (Width X Height), 2009

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Submit India

This is about how India lost her freedom as result of disputes in colonial era and how it was occupied by British rule. How India became the victim of ‘Divide and conquer”. Some people from royal family submitted (handover) India to British rule. Top two guys having British flag on their shoulder, bottom guy having Indian flag on his shoulder.

Work Info: Oil work, Canvas, Width 20 inch, Height: 24 inch

The Power of Empty Hands

Mahatma Gandhi joined many hands to create huge resistance against British rule. They walked day and night covered a distance of 384 km, its 24-day march lasted from 12 March 1930 to 6 April 1930. Being I am with an engineering background, its looks like sum of many resistance connected serially. Learn more at:

Work Info: Oil work, Canvas, Width 24 inch, Height: 20 inch

One More Star With Me

Every mother will dreams about her baby to become a star, this mother also challenging moon that she has one more star. This work talks about a hope of a mother on her baby. For instance, many people suggested to my mother to get abort from pregnancy and remarry (as my father mentally disordered), though she knows the road ahead is going to be rocky, she showed me this earth. So I inspired.

Work Info: Oil work, Canvas, Width 20 inch, Height: 24 inch

They donated their blood,
let us donate our sweat

This work is for security person, who lost his/her live for country. Generally, government supports by means of money. People have to give social respect and extend support so that a mother can encourage her son, a wife can encourage her husband, a child can encourage her parent to fight for country. Donating sweat doesn’t merely donating money at times of crisis. It means we need to visit soldier family nearby once in a while and extend support. We are safe at home because they are at risk

Work Info: Oil work, Canvas, Width 24 inch, Height: 20 inch

I Quit Colours Of Life

Many people in India are illiterate and working for daily wages. They need bear tremendous pain on their head to drive their family vehicle. Many children are not going to schools and spending with soil and moving towards dark. They used to identify by their thumb impression not by signature, for instance my mother.

Work Info: Oil work, Canvas, Width 20 inch, Height: 24 inch